Monday, August 31, 2009

Spoken Word From a Five Year Old

"I really love your name it is beautiful." Me
"Really? I think its dumb." Her
"No.  It is a lot better than other names." Me
"Like what? Suzie?" Her
"Yea, or like BLANK and BLANK." Me
"Oh, well...I really don't think you should be bossing names around like that." Her
"Well its just an opinion  ya know? I wouldn't tell those people.  I am just telling you.  It is like if I said I liked this purple crayon better than the brown one." Me
"But crayons are not people.  You really shouldn't boss names around." Her


"From what I can remember, you are kind of bad at drawing." Her to Me


"So my mom told me that you just graduated from college so that means you are a grown up why don't you have any kids?"

"I used to have two goldfish.  I named one Sarah and the other Sand Castle."

"My friend that is coming over tomorrow is two years old.  Have you ever watched anyone that young? Well if she falls down and cries just give her a bottle.  Just act like a mom ya know?  Actually, I will just take care of her."


  1. She and I would get in so many fights if I were younger. Now I'd either ignore her and give her the eyebrow... or punt her through a window.

    "Take that innocent childhood cattiness!" *punt*...*crash*

  2. lol YES! that last one is my fav of all times.

    you didn't include scratchy voice on here? maybe you should put a blog video up of your impression of her
