Saturday, November 7, 2009

Some Things I Have Always Wanted To Do

  1. Skydive
  2. Walk around NYC and hand 20 dollar bills to homeless people or anyone playing their music.
  3. Be in a photo shoot on America's Next Top Model
  4. Cut off someone's long braid
  5. Hang out with Alanis Morissette
  6. Walk on the runway of a fashion show
  7. Publish an article in the NY Times
  8. Live in Africa, France, and Australia
  9. Play a villain in a movie with a lot of crazy makeup
  10. Tell off rude customers who harass employees
  11. Learn 2 more languages
  12. swim in a pool of pomegranate seeds
  13. Organize a human rights rally
  14. Get paid to organize people's rooms