Saturday, November 7, 2009

Some Things I Have Always Wanted To Do

  1. Skydive
  2. Walk around NYC and hand 20 dollar bills to homeless people or anyone playing their music.
  3. Be in a photo shoot on America's Next Top Model
  4. Cut off someone's long braid
  5. Hang out with Alanis Morissette
  6. Walk on the runway of a fashion show
  7. Publish an article in the NY Times
  8. Live in Africa, France, and Australia
  9. Play a villain in a movie with a lot of crazy makeup
  10. Tell off rude customers who harass employees
  11. Learn 2 more languages
  12. swim in a pool of pomegranate seeds
  13. Organize a human rights rally
  14. Get paid to organize people's rooms

Friday, November 6, 2009

LIVin' In Your Own List

There is a list I have that is on a loose piece of paper in my room some where and it is one of my top five best lists. It is the kind of list you can bring anywhere and entertain a crowd (only if you have my comedic ability, of course). This list is called "LIST OF HYSTERICS". It is simple. It is a list of stories that have either happened to me or someone I knew. I gathered these stories of hysterics and put their titles on a page. Some of the titles include-"Felipe" "Steak!" "Steve-O" and "Shana". These stories are NOT inside jokes of any kind. They are for everyone to enjoy.

So stop what you were doing before this- picking your nose, procrastinating,listening to Weezer, watching Jurrasic Park- and write your own list of hysterics.

The world is only funnier if you make it that way.